How to manage your hotel’s online reputation:
This article is about the web marketing 2.0 and hotels, it is entitled How manage your hotel's online reputation?What is a online reputation?
The reputation of an hotel is very difficult to manage in real life because directors of services have to take care of everythings about clients! Clients since them arrival and from them departures have to be happy, they have to spend incredible time and a great experience...
The online reputation is approximatly the same things as the reputation of real life but on websites. It exists many websites about Hotels and Marketing, on those websites Hotels can influence customers, speak about themselves, about them brand, about what they do for clients, and the most important interact with clients!
All those sites are referencer of hotels most of the time it is a decision of hoteliers to be present on those websites, and they have to manage it properly to performed better and obtain a great online reputation.
As I said before the most important result of thos websites is interact with clients, influence them for coming on your hotel and understand what can be better performed...
A consultant in Hotels web marketing said that last year only 7% of hotels respond to bad comments on web, and it is really an error.
Because when you answered to bad comments and when you answered to clients that show that you are agree and you listen them! Be sure that clients wants to be listened and reconized, more you take care of them more you are able to manage your reputation...
So to conclude the online reputation is the future of hotel marketing that bring you another possibility to influence and attract your customers: understood that clients want to be listened and you need to take care of them to increase your future revenues!
Your text was very interesting in terms of how to care about the hotel marketing. Hotels have to be very careful of thir marketing. You have to listen to your guest and be careful of those who are not satisfied.the online reputation has to be perfect. Becareful to the fake comments.