dimanche 9 janvier 2011

Best Western launches iPad app

Article of the week : Best Western launches iPad app
This article is about the new success of the differents application for iphone, ipad and others smartphones. The group Best Western 7th group all over the world has finally decided to created his own application special for the ipad market. This famous tablet of Apple wich is the leader of the world market is for Best Western a perfect target!

"Best Western to go" permit to all customer of Best Western hotels to find the necessary hotel of the brand where they want and check avaibility before reserving it!
A fantastic direct system of reservation for all users of ipad and so a new form of revenue for the group!

The customer to approval his choice of hotel could see in featuring about the hotels :
- Description about the hotel and photo
- Organization: Categorize and sort saved locations by city, trip name, location type to easily reference in the future
- Visibility

It is also a fantastic way to increase the loyalty of clients! But Why?
Because when the client search an hotel on this app, he will only find Best Western hotel and that the best point beacause he don't have choice of hotels on other groups as on others booking engines (who are also very expensive for hotels).

To conclud we can say that hotels group have well understood that new technologies are very important on the life of people. Iphone and others Ipad are used by more than a milliard of person or a milliard of possible customers for hotel group. A real differenciation, and a maneer of making the customer happy and loyal to the group. But be carreful because you always have to differenciate of other app of other groups!

1 commentaire:

  1. I totally agree with Edouard. We could say that hotel groups are aware of new technologies and should I say, social medias. It is important to point the fact that many apps are similar and customers are looking for innovation everytime. Now, as a future guest, I am waitting for more. An attractive app is a sort of proof for me that the hotel is interesting and could be potentially the target of my future stay.
